
Showing posts from September, 2021

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna

              PARAMPARAGAT KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA                                                                       (PKVY) By - Anshika Rani Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana or PVKY, also called the traditional farming improvement programme was launched on April, 2015 and is implemented by Organic Farming Cell of Integrated Nutrient Management (division) of Department of Agriculture; Cooperationand farmer’s welfare. This is a sub scheme of Soil Health Management (SHM) which comes under National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). It was implemented for 3 year time frame, from 2015-18. Objective To promote farming sans chemicals, pesticides etc. by adopting organic ways of cultivation, that can also help for improvement of soil health.  To incorporate newest technology with organic farming.  Organize a minimum of 1 cluster demonstration in village.      Features of the scheme:  The scheme is to be carried out in clusters, that is a group of 50 farmers are chosen having 50 acre

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojna

                  Pradhan Mantri Kisan SampadaYojna                                                (PMKSY) By - Anshika Rani  SAMPADA (Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing and Development of Agro-Processing Clusters) scheme was launched in 2016 as an umbrella scheme by Ministries of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), but was renamed as Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana in 2017. Also, 32 new projects, worth Rs. 406 crores were extended to 17 states in year 2020. Objective: To supplement agriculture To modernize and expand the already existing good processing units  To create new food processing units To decrease Agri- waste by adding value The 7 components of PMKSY : 1. Mega food parks   Aim - To link agriculture production to marketing to increase income, maximize value addition,  generate employment and minimize wastage of Agri products.  There are 22 operational mega parks. 2. Integrated cold chain, value addition &amp preservation infrastructure   Aim- to provide to provide co

National Dairy Plan Phase -1

                  NATIONAL DAIRY PLAN PHASE - 1 By - Anshika Rani National Dairy Plan or NDP 1 was launched in 2012 by NDDB (National Dairy Development Board) through the EIA (End Implementing Agencies). It was implemented for a period of 6 years, 2011-2012 to 2016-2017 but in 2017 it was extended till 2019. Features:  The plan is mainly focusing on the 18 major milk producing states which account for 90% of India’s milk production, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka Kerala, etc.  It is centrally sector scheme.  Total budget: 2242 crore rupees  Out of this, 1584 crore rupees is provided by International Development Association (IDA), apart of World Bank Group and the rest 658 crore rupees is provided by the Government of India. Objectives:  To develop production of milk to meet the growing demand, by increasing productivity of milch animals.  To provide greater access of organized milk processing sectors to the rural milk producers. Components of NDP-1:  Producti


  Mission Organic Value Chain Development  for North Eastern  Region (MOVCD-NER )   By - Anshika Rani This scheme is counted as a sub-mission under of National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) & was launched by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare during the 12 th plan period on 11 th January 2016. This mission was implemented for only 8 north eastern states.      A runachal Pradesh      M anipur      M eghalaya        Mizoram      N agaland      S ikkim      T ripura   OBJECTIVES : ·       Development of end-to-end organic value chain and livestock management, wild     crop harvesting and market for organic agricultural products. ·       Empowering farmers by organizing them into FIGs (farmer interest groups) ·       To replace conventional farming with commercial organic farming ·       Organic parks development ·       Developing strong market infrastructure to promote north eastern products as   brands and labels. ·      


                    RASHTRIYA GOKUL MISSION (RGM)  Rashtriya Gokul mission was launched in December, 2014 by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare as a part of 12 th five-year plan & is being implemented through State Implementing Agencies (SIA) viz Livestock Development Board. This project comes under National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development. The total budget of 2025 crore rupees was allocated for this scheme.  The mission also comprises of 2 components-   National Programme for Bovine Breeding (NPBB) and  National Mission on Bovine Productivity (NMBP)   Objective  Development, conservation and breed improvement Programme of indigenous breed to improve   genetic makeup and increase stock.   Increasing population of disease free high genetic merit female population to increase milk   production.   Distribution of free high genetic merit bulls  Upgrading nondescript cattle for indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindh t

National Livestock Mission

                                                                                                NATIONAL LIVESTOCK MISSION   An initiative of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, National Livestock Mission was launched in 2014-15 with the aim to improve both qualitative and quantitative aspect of livestock production in India. It is also a sub scheme under white revolution. This centrally sponsored scheme has a total outlay of 2800 crores.    Objective:  • Overall sustainable growth and development of livestock sector  • To reduce demand- supply gap by increasing fodder availability • Creating collaboration of farmers, seed corps. and private sector to increase production of good quality fodder.  • Promoting scientific research for animal nutrition & livestock production  • Providing all round infrastructure for market, processing & value addition  • Promoting efforts to control disease control, food safety and supply of quality hides and skins through the timely rec

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme

  DAIRY  ENTREPRENEURSHIP  DEVELOPMENT  SCHEME                                        By- Anshika This was first launched under the name Dairy/Poultry venture Capital Fund scheme in 2004 with a budget of 2025 crore rupees. But in FY 2008-09 it was split into two different schemes Dairy Venture Capital Fund & Poultry Venture Capital Fund. Later, in September 2010 the former scheme was launched as Dairy Entrepreneurship Development scheme to enhance its effects and wider the coverage under the scheme.  The nodal agency responsible for its implementation is NABARD and is also responsible to refinance Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural and urban Banks, State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank and these banks can then implement the scheme. 🐮 Objectives Of The Scheme: The primary objective is to encourage self employment in rural areas To set up a modern dairy farm for clean and hygienic production of milk. Encourage rearing of heifer cows for conser