RASHTRIYA GOKUL MISSION (RGM) 

Rashtriya Gokul mission was launched in December, 2014 by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare as a part of 12 th five-year plan & is being implemented through State Implementing Agencies (SIA) viz Livestock Development Board. This project comes under National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development. The total budget of 2025 crore rupees was allocated for this scheme.

 The mission also comprises of 2 components-
  1.  National Programme for Bovine Breeding (NPBB) and
  2.  National Mission on Bovine Productivity (NMBP)


  •  Development, conservation and breed improvement Programme of indigenous breed to improve   genetic makeup and increase stock. 
  •  Increasing population of disease free high genetic merit female population to increase milk   production. 
  •  Distribution of free high genetic merit bulls 
  • Upgrading nondescript cattle for indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindh to organize doorstep AI service. 

 Initiatives of the scheme 

1. Awards to encourage farmers to rear indigenous bovine breed. Both types of awards are shared among 3 positions (1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd ) as an incentive of 5 lakh, 3 lakhs and 1 lakh over all the five regions.
  • Hill and North Eastern
  •  North
  •  South
  •  East
  •  West. 

a. Gopal Ratna Award- Given to farmers who maintain indigenous breed and practice management practices. 22 Gopal Ratna Awards have been distributed till now 

b. Kamdhenu Awards- Given to Institutions, Trusts, NGOs, Gaushalas or best managed Breeders’ Societies. 21 awards have been distributed till date. 

 2. Gokul Gram : Gokul grams are integrated cattle development centres to develop indigenous breeds, including the nondescript breed as well (40%) with the objective .

  • To promote scientific method of indigenous cattle rearing and conservation propagate high genetic merit bulls. 
  • To promote modern farm management practices and common resource management as well , such as economical use of animal waste.
  • 20 Gokul grams with an outlay of Rs 197.67 croresover 13 states have been sanctioned till now. 

 3. National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre (NKBC) 
Two NKBC centres in Andhra Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh have been developed till date with the aim-
  •   To motivate holistic and scientific approach to develop and conserve Indigenous and promote the 41 species of cattle and 13 species of animals. 
  •  Each Centre is spread over 1000 hectares for machinery, Biogas plant, veterinary clinic, vermicompost, milk processing etc. 
  • Special emphasis is laid on development of extinct species. A budget of 25 crore rupees was released for both the states.

 4. “E-Pashu Haat”- Nakul Prajnan Bazaar:  It is e- market portal connecting breeders & farmers, and promotes quality- disease free bovine: i) semen; ii) embryos; iii) calves; iv) heifers and v) adult bovines

 5. Pashu Sanjivni:  It is an Animal Wellness Programme for provision of Animal Health cards (‘Nakul Swasthya Patra’). 

6. Advanced Reproductive Technology: it includes Assisted Reproductive Technique- In-vitro Fertilization (IVF)/ Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) and sex sorted semen technique. 

7. National Bovine Genomic Centre for Indigenous Breeds (NBGC-IB) - It will be established for selection of breeding bulls of high genetic merit at a young age using highly precise gene-based technology

The scheme has a great potential and can improve the dairy sector by manifolds if implemented        systematically and the funds are released timely. 
But doesn’t include any resolution for the stray cattle .
There has been an increase in stray cattle from 2012 to 2019 over 10 states only.


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