National Dairy Plan Phase -1

                 NATIONAL DAIRY PLAN PHASE - 1

By - Anshika Rani

National Dairy Plan or NDP 1 was launched in 2012 by

NDDB (National Dairy Development Board) through the

EIA (End Implementing Agencies). It was implemented

for a period of 6 years, 2011-2012 to 2016-2017 but in

2017 it was extended till 2019.


  •  The plan is mainly focusing on the 18 major milk producing states which account for 90% of India’s milk production, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka Kerala, etc.

  •  It is centrally sector scheme.
  •  Total budget: 2242 crore rupees
  •  Out of this, 1584 crore rupees is provided by
  • International Development Association (IDA), apart of World Bank Group and the rest 658 crore rupees is provided by the Government of India.


  •  To develop production of milk to meet the growing demand, by increasing productivity of milch animals.
  •  To provide greater access of organized milk processing sectors to the rural milk producers.

Components of NDP-1:

  1.  Productivity Enhancement- This aims at increasing productivity of bovine population through systemic & scientific approach:

  •  Production & import of high genetic merit cattle and buffalo and strengthening of highly quality semen station.
  •  Improving nutrition of milch animals to increase productivity.
  •  Production of superior quality semen doses for AI delivery along with a pilot project for AI delivery

      2. Village based milk procurement system- this aims at fair & transparent collection of milk                from the villages and ensure timely payment.

  •  Developing infrastructure for milk collection, weighing and testing.
  •  Training and capacity building of milk producers and other functionaries
  •  Strengthening old milk producer institutions or Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS) and promotions of new ones through infrastructure support.

       3. Project Management and Learning

  • It is to monitor implementation & coordination of the project. Some of the activities under this are:
  •  Support for Project Management Unit
  •  Setting up information system PMU & EIA for collection and dispersion of plan related data, such as breeding, nutrition, mil collection etc.
  •  Technical assistance during implementation


  •  The plan does not recognize the challenges farmers face from the global market and due to

          the volatile pricing from both domestic and there are not able to survive the competition.

  •  We need to start helping our producers with  echnology advancement that other countries are using.


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