Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna



By - Anshika Rani

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana or PVKY, also called the traditional farming improvement programme was launched on April, 2015 and is implemented by Organic Farming Cell of Integrated Nutrient Management (division) of Department of Agriculture; Cooperationand farmer’s welfare. This is a sub scheme of Soil Health Management (SHM) which comes under National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). It was implemented for 3 year time frame, from 2015-18.


  • To promote farming sans chemicals, pesticides etc. by adopting organic ways of cultivation, that can also help for improvement of soil health.
  •  To incorporate newest technology with organic farming.
  •  Organize a minimum of 1 cluster demonstration in village.

     Features of the scheme:

  •  The scheme is to be carried out in clusters, that is a group of 50 farmers are chosen having 50 acre or 20 ha of land.
  • The target was to cover 5 lakh acres through 10,000 clusters by 2017-18.
  • Every farmer will be provided total of Rs 50,000 per acre in 3 years, for seed till harvesting of crops.
  •  65% farmers of the total cluster should be allocated to small & marginal category.
  •  Total financial assistance for a cluster should be 10 lakhs and Rs. 4.95 lakh for mobilization & PGS certification with subsidy ceiling of one hectare per farmer.
  •  Atleast 30% of the budget allocation should benefit women farmers.


  • The scheme was funded in 60:40 (central & state govt. respectively)
  •  For north-eastern & Himalayan states it is 90:10 and for UT it is 100% by central government.
  •  In 2015 an amount of RS 300 crore was allocated in union budget.
  •  And from 2015 to 2018 a total of Rs. 1307 crore has been allocated.


  • Switching to organic farming decreased the cost of cultivation by 10-12% but the yield also n       decreased to 4-5%
  •  The progress has been uneven in states, due to implementation issues such as lack of initiative by farmers and lag in fund flow.


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