Fertilizer Import 2022

India looks towards Canada, Jordan for fertilizers as Russia-Ukraine conflict derails imports source - https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/india-looks-towards-canada-jordan-for-fertilizers-as-russia-ukraine-conflict-derails-imports-8185011.html#:~:text=India%20imported%2010.61%20lakh%20tonnes,nitrogen%2C%20phosphorous%20and%20potassium). India depends heavily on imports for meeting its fertiliser needs; industry experts say more than half the urea the country consumes comes from other nations. With low self-sufficiency, volatility in global fertiliser supplies is bound to have a significant impact on India. In any case, due to pandemic-related disruptions, fertiliser imports had been rising even before the Russia-Ukraine conflict emerged. Between 2018-19 and 2020-21, there was an almost 8 percent increase in total fertiliser imports t...